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Reset state

Sometimes it's important to reset vue-eternal-loading state and isFirstLoad to their defaults. For example, when you try to implement filters on your site, and you want to reset pagination if some of your filters has been changed. You can reset component whenever you want, but let's write special reset button to see how it can be implemented.

To be able to reset component you must pass isInitial prop via v-model initialized with true. When load prop will be called, isInitial prop will be changed to false automatically. If you change this prop to true again, it will reset your component to the initial state.

<button @click="reset">Reset</button>

<VueEternalLoading :load="load" v-model:is-initial="isInitial">
setup() {
    // Other props
    // ...
    const isInitial = ref(true);

    // Other methods
    // ...
    async function load({ loaded }) {
      // Process response logic

    function reset() {
      // Reset all data
      // ...
      // This will reset `vue-eternal-loading`
      isInitial.value = true;

    return {
      // Other data...