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Loader margin

In previous examples load prop was triggered when loader was visible on screen or in your container element ( depends on container prop ). Sometimes you may want to start loading a little earlier to make loading process more seamless for a user. It is possible with prop margin which can accept params in pixels or percents as string ( it will be passed to IntersectionObserver as rootMargin param under the hood, so you can find all formats here ). Specifying margin as one value ( e.g. 200px ) in pixels may cover the most common cases, so it's not important to learn other formats:

<VueEternalLoading :load="load" margin="200px">

In the example above we are created 200px invisible bounding box around our VueEternalLoading component markup. Now load prop will be triggered on 200px earlier ( like if it was 200px bigger in all directions ).

The important thing is that margin prop won't affect your layout anyhow unlike css margin which pushes content if you will specify it.