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Preloaded data

Normally vue-eternal-loading call load prop when you need to get data from server. But there can be a case when we already have preloaded data ( e.g. from cache, from other request, etc... ). In this case if we render our preloaded data and put vue-eternal-loader next to it as usual, it doesn't know about your data, and will behave like it's your first loading. It can lead to unwanted results, when you can get no-results state even if you have data. Or we will have wrong isFirstLoad prop in #loading slot.

To prevent this behaviour you need to pass falsy isInitial prop.

<VueEternalLoading :load="load" :is-initial="false"></VueEternalLoading>

Or you can pass it using v-model if you want to implement reset logics from the previous section as well.

<!-- isIntial should be false -->
<VueEternalLoading :load="load" :is-initial="isInitial"></VueEternalLoading>